Community Assistance Raffle (Raffle)
Organised by RCBS this raffle allows Not-For-Profit organisations to sell tickets in this $2.00 per ticket Raffle, and retain 80% of the ticket price ($1.60 per ticket sold). In previous year this raffle was conducted the partner clubs have raised $175,000 in 2020 for themselves. This is a ‘hand-up not a hand-out’.

Any not for profit organisation may apply for tickets, although the club reserves the right reject an application or to limit the number of tickets issued to any one group.
Applications for tickets should be made in early December each year as tickets are issued in December for sale by the end of April. Application information can be found here
The scrutineer of the draw will be a Rotary member (TBC) and winners published on the RCBS Website and in the Ballarat Courier.
Raffle Drawn on Saturday 11th May 2024 at Rotary Place at 11 am
Raffle Results
12th May 2024
The Rotary Club of Ballarat South Inc. 2023-2024 Club Assistance Fund Community Raffle
On behalf of the Raffle Committee of the Rotary Club of Ballarat South I would like to thank you and your club for participating in this year’s Community Assistance Raffle.
The Mayor of Ballarat, Councillor Des Hudson drew the winning tickets on May 11th at 11am.
1 st Prize – Hyundai Tucson: Kathleen …. (Colac). Ticket # 050668
2 nd Prize: $1000 Bunnings vouchers: Thomas ….. (Grovedale). Ticket # 030397
Thank you to Peter Stevens Motorworld (Ballarat) and Bunnings Delacombe for their participation.
68 community clubs participated in this year’s Raffle, selling 70,000 tickets. Each club retains 80% of the ticket sales to support their own projects.
Thanks to the RCBS members for their support in funding and running this raffle.
Maree Roache
RCBS ~ Chair of the Community Assistance Raffle
Congratulations to our winners.
RCBS looks forward to your participation in the future.