Ballarat Market

This significant project provides substantial revenue to the community of Ballarat and provides a valued community service to the Ballarat community. Funds raised support the various projects of the participating clubs.

Bowel Scan

Pallet Recycling
Suitable pallets for collection for recycling by RCBS, with funds raised through this project directly go towards the School Breakfast Program and School scholarship programs run by RCBS.

Environmental Projects
This event occurs on the first Saturday of each month and is much appreciated by the local community.
Youth Programs

Rotary Place
Bookings made at rotaryplace@rcbs.org.au

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards

National Youth Science Forum

Rotary Youth Exchange

Vocational Support
Breakfast club
Providing nutritious breakfasts for students at Phoenix College, Sebastopol Primary School and Delacombe Primary School to ensure the children start the day well-fed and ready to learn.
Scholarship Support
Phoenix college end-of year scholarships to support student learning.
Science Experience
Year 10 offered the opportunity to explore the field of science and potential careers in science, in conjunction with Federation University, Ballarat.

Ballarat Sports Foundation
Annual financial contributions are made to support the emerging sportspersons in our community. The funds for these donations are collected from the proceeds of the Ballarat Market.
The Ballarat Sports Foundation provides grants to young local sportspeople to encourage them to achieve their potential in district, national and international competitions. A wide variety of sports through this exciting program wide is sponsored by the Ballarat Sports Foundation.

Ballarat Arts Foundation
Annual financial contributions are made to support the emerging artists in our community. The funds for these donations are collected from the proceeds of the Ballarat Market.
The Ballarat Arts Foundation was established in 2000 with the support of RCBS and works to enrich the creative and cultural life of Ballarat. This Foundation provides grants to emerging artists, workshops, exhibitions, and masterclasses to encourage a sustainable arts industry in Ballarat.